Accessible code

Config = {}

Config.Locale = 'en'

-- you can disable some of actions in here if you dont want to have them in menu, put just false
Config.MenuActions = {
    [1] = true, -- Read Description
    [2] = true, -- Get Player Info
    [3] = true, -- Copy Player Identifier
    [4] = true, -- Send Message
    [5] = true, -- Give Item
    [6] = true, -- Give Horse
    [7] = true, -- Teleport back
    [8] = true, -- Goto Player
    [9] = true, -- Bring Player
    [10] = true, -- Teleport player back
    [11] = true, -- Revive Player
    [12] = true, -- Set job
    [13] = true, -- Set gang (only qr, qbr and rsg framework)
    [14] = true, -- Give gun (only vorp framework)

-- Set this to '' to disable the keybind.
Config.OpenReportsMenuKey = 'DELETE' -- List of keys here:

Config.playerCommand = 'sendreport'

Config.staffComamnd = {
    name = 'reports',
    restricted = 'group.admin' -- for qb core could be group.god or QRCore.god

Config.Inventory = 'ox_inventory'      -- also 'qs-inventory' or 'qb-inventory' or 'ps-inventory', server/editable.lua you can put your inventory

Config.NotifyPosition = 'bottom-right' -- using ox lib notify, position: 'top' or 'top-right' or 'top-left' or 'bottom' or 'bottom-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'center-right' or 'center-left'
Config.NotifyDuration = 3500           -- 3.5 sec

Config.MinLetterTitle = 3          -- how many characters needs to be in title
Config.MinLetterDescription = 3    -- how many characters needs to be in description, example people cant put just title "a", description "a"

-- esx only
Config.AllowedGroups = { -- groups that will get notify when new report appears
    ['admin'] = true,

Config.Icons = {
    -- dont edit key, you can edit value {icon, color} for menu, colors
    ['question'] = {'fa-question', '#69DB7C'},
    ['report'] = {'fa-solid fa-bullhorn', '#F59F00'},
    ['bug'] = {'fa-solid fa-bug', '#C92A2A'}

Config.GiveVehicleList = {
    -- ['Vehicle Name'] = `spawncode`, must be ``
    ['Adder'] = `adder`,

Last updated